Interlibrary loan FAQ

1) Who can request ILLs?  
2) What types of materials can be requested via ILLs? 6) How long does it take for ILLs to be fulfilled?
3) What is the cost to request an ILL? 7) For how long can I keep an ILL?
4) Is there a limit for the amount of ILLs that can be requested? 8) How do renewals work for ILLs?
5) Can I ask copies of several chapters from the same book? 9) Is there a fine if I'm late returning an ILL?



1) Who can request ILLs?

  • Current Yukon University students
  • Current Yukon University employees
  • Registered public patrons
  • Yukon University retirees and visiting researchers may be granted rights to request ILLs on a case-by-case basis.
Important: All patrons must have an active library account and no outstanding fines before requesting ILLs. Patrons with a fine balance must pay the fine before ILL requests can be fulfilled.



2) What types of materials can be requested via ILLs?

  • Printed books
  • Chapters from printed books and ebooks; document sections
  • Articles
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Reports
  • DVDs and multimedia (instructors only)



3) What is the cost to request an ILL?

  • Students & employees of YukonU: free
  • Public: $10 per request. Requests are processed after ILL fee payment; if request cannot be fulfilled, fee will be reimbursed
  • Retirees and visiting researchers: free, but requests are only granted on a case-by-case basis  



4) Is there a limit for the amount of ILLs that can be requested?

There is no limit for the amount of ILLs that can be requested. However, library staff reserves the right to cancel or postpone requests if there is abuse of the service (e.g. excessive number of requests in a short period of time; copy requests that exceed the limits allowed per copyright legislation, etc.). 



5) Can I ask copies of several chapters from the same book?

Generally no, although that depends on the length of the book. As per Canadian Copyright legislation, fair dealing guidelines apply for materials used in an educational context. You may either 1 chapter of a book or 10% of the overall content, whichever is greater.



6) How long does it take for ILLs to be fulfilled?

  • Allow for a minimum of three business days for articles, book chapters, or document sections
  • Allow a minimum of two weeks for books, dissertations, theses, and multimedia



7) For how long can I keep an ILL?

Loan periods vary, as they are determined by the lending institution. We encourage patrons to pick up their interlibrary loaned items in a timely manner and to read the sleeve attached to the item, which contains important information such as the due date.



8) How do renewals work for ILLs?

Renewals may be possible depending on the lending institution. Many ILLs can be renewed for a period of 2 weeks, but other items have no renewal permissions.

If you need to renew an item you borrowed via ILL, contact or visit us in person and we will let you know whether a renewal is possible. ILLs cannot be renewed online.



9) Is there a fine if I'm late returning an ILL?

Yes. Fines are 1$ per day per item, just like for other regular books from the YukonU collection. Same penalties describe in the Borrow & Request  page apply to ILLs.