Climate change information and mainstreaming program

The Climate Change Information and Mainstreaming Program offers support and expertise to decision and policy makers to ensure the integration of climate change considerations in projects, planning and decision-making processes.

Project Overview

The Climate Change Information and Mainstreaming Program can help you include climate change considerations through:

• Project recommendations
• Technical advice
• Trend and projection analysis
• Climate change presentations and workshops

With over 14 years of experience, the Northern Climate ExChange has the knowledge, applied methodology, and relationships to assist project managers with incorporating climate change projections, trends and technical expertise into decisions and projects that are tailored to their specific needs.

Decision Making for Climate Change

Climate Change Information and Mainstreaming Program's Decision Making for Climate Change course welcomes decision makers from a diverse range of backgrounds. The course is offered as two half-day workshops and includes an overview of climate change science and policy, including mitigation and adaptation tools available for decision makers to integrate climate change considerations in their work. 

Project Team

Project Lead, Alison Perrin, Climate Change Education and Project Coordinator, Yukon Research Centre


Yukon Government Climate Change Secretariat