Greenhouse Kits

Supporting northerners to grow their own food is important in addressing food security in the North. A greenhouse designed for a cold climate can provide northern residents with quality produce with reduced costs to both the environment and the pocket book.

Project Overview

Many commercially designed greenhouses are inappropriate for a northern setting as they do not consider insulation nor heat management. This greenhouse design addresses both of these issues with excellent heat retention, storage, and management. Heat is retained by insulation on the North, East and West walls while using double-walled polycarbonate for the glazing. Heat is stored during the day through a thermal mass that is located below the grow beds. This heat can be utilized in the evening when temperatures are cooler. The system utilizes automated venting to eliminate excess heat and protect the plants from excessive temperatures.

The objective of this project was to create a greenhouse kit which embodies the best qualities for northern cold climate greenhouses. This project entailed the design and production of a greenhouse which can be sold as a kit and assembled by the customer following simple instructions.

The kits are currently being sold at a competitive price through SolarGrowing.

  • Bob Sharp, SolarGrowing
  • Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
  • Yukon government - Economic Development